Calling All Baby Boomers

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A Personal Note…
This week CAIM, LLC presents a report entitled: “Baby Boomer Investing 101.” This report highlights critical investment strategies for America’s largest and most prosperous generation – Baby Boomers.  In today’s turbulent economy Boomers really need to start thinking about their long-term financial situations.

As an ‘of the moment’ topic the Press has been picking up on it.  CAIM’s report has been featured on, and Fox Business News.  Financial Planning Magazine has a write-up on it.

Have a great weekend!

Warm regards,

Catherine Maniscalco Avery

CAIM specializes in creating and managing

customized and fully diversified investment portfolios for private investors.

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Calling All Baby Boomers: New Report Provides Guide to Investing in Volatile Markets

“Baby Boomer Investing 101” Details Mock Portfolio, Value Investing Strategies and More

NEW YORK, May 24 /PRNewswire/ — A new report released today by Catherine Avery Investment Management (“CAIM LLC”), a leading investment advisory firm, provides a valuable guide to long term investment strategies for the largest and most prosperous generation of Americans: Baby Boomers. The report, “Baby Boomer Investing 101,” details strategies and recommendations for Baby Boomers as they navigate recent market volatility and seek ways to preserve long term value and liquidity.

CAIM includes in the report the first ever “Mock Portfolio Taste Test,” which compares a Baby Boomer-recommended mock portfolio, focused on value and dividend investing, with that of a high growth stock portfolio.  The survey reveals that the value oriented portfolio is cheaper and less risky than a traditional “growth” portfolio, and pays dividends, which are reinvested as stock prices appreciate.  Additionally, the value portfolio is trading more cheaply than the S&P 500.  Conclusion: Dividend stocks just simply taste better for Baby Boomers.

“In today’s volatile market environment, Baby Boomers should be particularly concerned about preserving long-term value,” noted Catherine Avery. “Our investing strategy not only provides purchasing power protection but also earns dividend income compounded over time.”

Some of the valuable features of “Baby Boomer Investing 101”:

Detailed mock portfolio for Baby Boomers

Comparative mock portfolio of “growth” stocks

Comparative portfolio of leading stock indices

Comparative yield analysis between dividend stock, Treasuries, and S&P 500

Tips to avoid the “pitfalls” of long term investing for Baby Boomers

Copyright 2010, CAIM LLC

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