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“Manage The Markets”

with Catherine Avery



Yes, that’s right!  I’m a new member of the Professional Women’s Alliance of CT (PWA-CT) – a one-stop resource for Connecticut women going through divorce and other major life transitions.
What is it?
The Alliance is made up of a growing group of local professional women who are licensed to provide services, advice and support in the areas of finance, tax, law, mental health, mortgages, real estate, insurance, career coaching and retirement planning.
I joined PWA-CT because it was an organization that solely caters to women going through all types of transitions.  Women do tend to have different needs than men at times in their lives.

Our CT Women’s Expo Panel
This fall I will be part of a PWA-CT panel entitled “What Women Need to Know: A Special Workshop for Women Going through Divorce,” at the upcoming Connecticut Women’s Expo to be held in Hartford, September 12 & 13, 2009.  The panel will run from 11:00 am to 12:45 pm on Saturday, September 12.  It’s an opportunity for participants to hear first-hand, from a variety of local experts, on the financial, legal, emotional and professional aspects of divorce, as well as converse with individual speakers afterwards.
How did it all start?
Attorney Karen Stansbury and financial planner Elizabeth Cox, CFP™ launched PWA-CT in 2008 in direct response to the rampant fear, confusion, lack of trust and misinformation they were witnessing among many of their clients going through a divorce.  It was clear to both of them that there was a strong need, among women in particular, for some thoughtful and individualized assistance from dedicated professionals. 
How can I get in touch?                                                                
Anyone interested in contacting PWA-CT can get in touch via their website  You’ll then be directed to one or more of the 23 currently vetted members appropriate to your needs.  The member(s) will work with you every step of the way, whether you’re facing divorce, widowhood, job transitions or relationship and family challenges.  PWA-CT members also work in cooperation with each other, in order to provide clients with the kind of multifaceted service just not available elsewhere.
What I really like about PWA-CT is that not just anybody can join the group.  It’s not like a typical networking group, where you just pay your money and sign up.  You have to be selected to join PWA-CT, and that selection is based upon the degree of expertise in your field, your integrity and your commitment to really help women.
Warm regards,

Catherine Maniscalco Avery

CAIM specializes in creating and managing 

customized and fully diversified investment portfolios for private investors.

203.966.2712  p
203.966.5697  f
This information is copyrighted August 2009
For those of you with questions, feel free to call me at 203.966.2712.  Also please visit my website at
Please pass along this newsletter to friends and family to spread the word!




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