Surprising Facts About CAIM

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Welcome to
“Manage The Markets”
with Catherine Avery

 A Personal Note..

Happy spring!

We have had a nice rally in the market since it made a new bottom in the beginning of March.  In fact, the S&P 500 gained 16.8% from the March 6th low to the end of the quarter.  This erased some of the loses from the beginning of the year, but still ended up -11%.   This volatility is normal in the bottoming process of a bear market.  The market has gone from being oversold to now being overbought.  We may have reached the stage where the market is ignoring all the bad economic news.  This is a good first step!  We are now focused on corporate earnings.  I’ll keep you up to date on what happens in the next 2 weeks.  The message I want o get across, is that there will be big swings in the market this year.  When the market goes down you will wish you were out of it, when it goes up you will wish you were more invested.  It will make you crazy!  Remember that investing in the stock market is a long term proposition and those with patience will ultimately be rewarded!
Catherine Maniscalco Avery

CAIM specializes in creating and managing
customized and fully diversified investment portfolios
for private investors.
203.966.2712  p
203.966.5697  f

Did you know?


1.  Catherine Avery started working on Wall St. at 18 and in over 25 years in the business has never once considered quitting.  Why?  Her job is her passion!  How different from individuals who call themselves financial advisors but only recently took up the profession as a second career!

2.  Catherine works with a limited number of clients, which assures those lucky few, the individualized, quality attention and service they deserve. And what a contrast to those financial advisors who really are just consultants or salespeople with the #1 priority of accumulating more clients.  

3.  The acronym “CAIM” is Celtic for “Ring of Protection.” This succinctly sums up the mission of Catherine Avery Investment Management, which is to protect clients and grow their assets in a judicious manner.
4.  Catherine is now available through the Schwab network.  So, if you have an account or a financial advisor at Schwab, or work with someone who is affiliated with Schwab, you can now also access Catherine.   (There will be more information on this exciting development in our next newsletter.)
5.  As a CAIM client you will not be clumped together with other clients in a generalized portfolio that ‘sort of’ meets your needs.  Instead you receive the individually tailored service (and direct line to Catherine herself) that only an independent investment firm can provide.  Most importantly, when you need answers you don’t have to wait!

 See you in two weeks with more updates and news!


For those of you with questions, feel free to call me at 203.966.2712.  Also please visit my website at
Please pass along this newsletter to friends and family to spread the word!



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